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Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

Love to be needed / need to be loved ?


By Shari Schreiber, M.A.

sumber :


How often have you heard yourself say, "I'm a giver, not a taker"? Have you experienced discomfort when receiving something from another, whether it's a kind gesture, favor or gift? Do you know what it's like to be in a reciprocal relationship? If these questions are triggering familiar sensations, it means you started learning this inclination in childhood, and were made to feel that receiving supplies of attention, affection and emotional support came at a substantial cost to your parent(s). As a natural outcome of this, you began putting the needs of others far ahead of your own, because doing otherwise meant punishment, guilt and/or shame.

Entitlement issues typically evolve from poor self-worth, and our inability to feel deserving and/or worthy of receiving what we need. Healthy self-esteem means that we're equally as comfortable receiving as giving. Our desperate, unrelenting need to gain acceptance and approval from others (so that we can feel okay about ourselves), is at the core of fixing or rescuing behaviors.

None of us grew up being perfectly parented--in fact it's virtually impossible to anticipate that this could even happen. Alas, we are all products of our experiences, which have impacted us to one degree or another, and that's what this piece attempts to address. There will likely be parts of this article that you'll relate to, and other parts you won't--but if any of this material opens a doorway to greater self-awareness, healing might begin for you and your child, parent or spouse, and that's my objective.

A few of my clients have chosen to share this material with their parent. If You are a parent, and your adult child has given you this article or you've found it by chance, there's a strong likelihood they're needing your apology for some childhood issues they've struggled to surmount. If you're wanting to build a closer bond with him or her, any attempts to make amends must be heartfelt--and made without explanations or excuses. The reasons you weren't 'equipped' to do it differently or better, are of no use in context of healing the pain they still carry. In short, this effort can't become about you and your struggles, for while they may have empathy and understanding for your plight, they're still wrestling with unresolved wounds and trust issues. Healing is only possible, when someone you've hurt (even unwittingly) can feel your sincere remorse. While this process isn't easy, it can go a long way toward helping you repair any relationship where trust has been undermined.

Wounds to one's sense of Self during infancy and early childhood, are often referred to as core damage/trauma or narcissistic injury, within the body of this text. In simple terms, having 'core issues' means that the hub of your wheel has been broken or damaged in some manner. When the very center of your being is compromised, all the spokes which emanate from that point will be weak, and susceptible to breaking. Core trauma impacts every aspect of our existence, as it shapes self-worth, and influences how we think about and take care of ourselves, in personal and professional relationships.

When a client tells me they had an "ideal childhood," or that his/her parents had a perfect, long-term marriage, I know we've got challenging work ahead. The reality is, if this were true, they would not be struggling to form healthy attachments--and they definitely wouldn't be needing my help. Denial keeps us trapped in self-blame for our failings, instead of putting the blame where it actually belongs. It also keeps us addicted to poor relational choices.

You may have convinced yourself that your parents "did the best they could" but if that's so, why are you having to invest all this time, money and effort in therapy and a litany of self-help venues, just to feel okay about yourself?

A child needs to feel valued by his/her parent. He needs to see welcome on the parent's face when he enters a room, and feel like he really matters, and is loved. Very few of us ever experienced this--in fact, what we consistently saw instead, were expressions of indifference or annoyance--and this shaped how we grew up feeling about ourselves!

When we experience tormenting emotional pain and confusion in childhood, we have to normalize those experiences in order to survive them. Often, we stow away these difficult feelings or make them not matter, so we're able to coexist with a variety of upsets--and the people responsible for them (our parents). The problem is, these survival strategies remain intact throughout our adulthood, and prompt serious issues like anxiety disorders, addictions, compulsive behaviors, attachment fears, impaired partner selection, etc.

When feelings are put away in childhood, our emotional growth is stunted. As we can't help but be drawn to partners who echo our earliest experiences and match our level of emotional development, we're naturally attracted to others who are as underdeveloped and damaged as we--which sets us up for failure in our Love life. These relationships feel familiar and 'normal' to us, so there's a compelling drive to maintain them. This element is discussed in greater depth toward the end of this piece--but the rest will help you discern why you've landed here.

As you read through this material, you might experience sudden sleepiness or perhaps a little sadness. This is a somatic response, which means that a facet of you is identifying with various elements being discussed here--and they have important meaning for you! While you may decide to take a short break, rest assured that there is nothing to fear from these uncomfortable sensations, and I encourage you to continue. You'll get the most value from this information, if you return to the hyperlinks that take you to other pages after you've finished reading this article.

When you're a self-proclaimed "giver," it's very likely you've been raised in a home where certain needs were not acknowledged or adequately responded to, and you've compensated for this deficit, by becoming a caregiver. Even if you felt that your parents were overburdened in some way, you could have tried to become an invisible child, so as not to place more demand on them.

As a young kid, you may have discovered that taking care of another's needs provided vicarious satisfaction, and a sense of safety, empowerment or self-worth. Whether you've promoted another's dependency on you emotionally, physically or financially as an adult, feeling needed has fortified your self-esteem--but it has also ameliorated abandonment anxiety, which motivates these types of choices.


Your caregiving nature is drawn to codependent relationship dynamics with friends or lovers who are either handicapped, in crisis, emotionally/sexually underdeveloped, substance addicted or in recovery/rehab. You've unwittingly selected partners whose self-esteem is flagging, or whom in some way need rescuing--or extreme amounts of support or nurturing. Quite often, feelings of boredom or emptiness will prompt phone calls to friends who allow you to fuel/fix them with 'pep talks' or emotional/psychological bolstering, and you feel better afterward. Occasionally, you'll romantically connect with someone who initially shows promise or "potential," only to be disappointed and angry at the end of this relationship, having carried the financial and/or emotional weight for both of you! The subconscious theme that underlies this pairing process is: "If you NEED me, you'll never leave me."

In the rare event a selected lover presents as self-sufficient and non-needy, Caregivers are still compelled to encourage some level of dependency. This can be demonstrated by attempts to subtly undermine a partner's confidence in body image, wardrobe preference, dietary habits, work proficiency, sexual adequacy, etc. Basically, if there's opportunity to create (at least) an illusion of being indispensable and needed, abandonment concerns are averted. This behavior is driven by our subconscious determination to maintain inequity in relationships, for the one who needs the least is always the one in power.

Partners may unwittingly undermine themselves by losing jobs, getting sick, failing, etc., to be complicit with the dynamic you've needed to maintain in the relationship. There's always a payoff in this--as the unspoken agreement or 'contract' you two created when you first joined, remains intact.

"karena terlalu pnjg, silahkan lihat sumbernya untuk klengkapannya"

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

Mobil Terbang Keluar 2011 mndatang

Terrafugia telah berhasil membuat satu prototipe kendaraan operasional yang sanggup mengudara sejauh 724 Km. Dan ketika dijalan darat mobil mampu dipacu hingga 185 km/jam.
Transition Roadable Aircraft dilengkapi sayap yang dapat melipat secara otomatis dalam waktu 30 detik, mirip dengan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk membuka dan menutup atap mobil convertible.
Ketika sayap ini ditekuk, maka mobil akan berjalan normal layaknya kendaraan roda empat lain dan tetap muat jika diparkir di sebuah garasi mobil normal.
“Semua itu guna menjadikan kendaraan tersebut cukup fleksibel untuk terbang ke berbagai tempat,” tutur Terrafugia.

Bila tertarik, ia mengatakan mobil terbang ini dapat dipesan sekarang dengan membayar uang muka sebesar 10.000 USD (sekira Rp94 juta). Namun belum disebutkan berapa harga pasti mobil terbang ini.
Banyak yg bertanya kapan mobil ini masuk indonesia.., kalaupun masuk.., artinya para polantas jg harus siap untuk bagian udara.., tp kalau bagian polantas g mampu beli.., semriwing aja dh.., balapan di udara,..

Mobil2 polisi yang super

Kecepatan ? ya memang itu harus dipunyai mobil – mobil patroli polisi zaman sekarang…. apalagi dalam “hot pursuit” mengejar penjahat yang menggunakan “super car”, kalau tidak seimbang yah….. cuma di tinggal di belakang aja….. and say “bye bye”….

Hmmmmh…..,tapi sepertinya saya ngga bicara di Indonesia, karena secepat – cepatnya mobil penjahat pasti “stuck” di suatu titik karena macet (jadi menurut saya tidak perlu mobil yang super cepat…. ha ha ha ), coba bandingkan di jalan di Eropa atau Amerika yang mempunyai “super highway” yang mempunyai panjang jalan ratusan kilometer, memang dibutuhkan “super car” untuk mengimbangi mobil penjahat dalam “hot pursuit”….., berdasarkan hasil searching, saya coba mengklasifikasi mana – mana mobil polisi yang pantas disebut sebagai : “THE BEST POLICE CAR IN THE WORLD”…. & negara2nya

Italia dari dulu emang udah terkenal sebagai salah satu produsen supercar dunia. Brand2 seperti Ferrari, Lamborghini,dan Maserati adalah beberapa hasil produksi negara pizza itu. Mungkin karena pembalap liar disana pada pake mobil2 seperti Ferrari & Lamborghini, makanya polisi satuan khusus anti-illegal street racing-nya pada pake Lamborghini kli ya (biar ga kalah pas geber2-an, sapa tau malah jd ajang taruhan antara polisi ama pembalap liarnya...)

Spoiler for Lamborghini LP560-4:

Engine: V10 5.12Litre
Top Speed: 325km/h
Acceleration: 0-100km/h in 3.7seconds

Semua orang kyanya udah pada tau deh klo Kuwait itu negara yg punya banyak duit, banyak banget malah! Makanya jgn heran klo banyak penduduknya yg punya duit terlalu banyak akhirnya pada punya mobil2 yg ajip buat kebut2an. Demi mengantisipasi kemungkinan munculnya scene2 balap liar lokal, pemerintah Kuwait memutuskan untuk mengganti 80% armada kepolisiannya dengan Audi S6. Oya, mobil2 Audi para polisi ini mungkin terlihat biasa aja eksteriornya, tp untuk "jeroannya" udah langsung di-tuned ama Audi langsung dari Jerman!

Spoiler for Audi S6:

Engine: V8 4.28Litre
Top Speed: 250km/h
Acceleration: 0-100km/h in 3.7seconds

Negara Inggris yg terkenal ama Alm.Princess Diana, Barclay's Premier League, & Mr.Bean jg ternyata ga mo kalah lho ama negara2 laennya! Meskipun kenyataannya sulit untuk kebut2an di London (dan jg kota2 besar laennya di Inggris), bisa dibilang jalan2 di countryside-nya cukup sering dijadikan sarana anak2 orang kaya di Inggris buat pamer mobil2 mereka. Alhasil, kepolisian Inggris pun menjadikan Lotus Esprit S4 buat nanganin mereka!

Spoiler for Lotus Esprit S4:

Engine: V8 3.5Litre
Top Speed: 260km/h
Acceleration: 0-100km/h in 4seconds

Di Swedia sono, ga terlalu banyak pembalap liarnya. Makanya polisi Swedia ga perlu melengkapi para polisinya pake mobil2 kebut kya negara2 laennya, tp tetep aja mobil polisi mereka "ga biasa". Buktinya, hampir semua armada kepolisiannya dikasih Volvo V70 yg udah dilengkapin dengan Turbocharger, Ohlins Suspensions, & Brembo Brakes buat jaga2 klo ada warganya yg kebut2an!

Spoiler for Volvo V70:

Engine: Diesel 3.2Litre Turbocharged
Top Speed: 185km/h
Acceleration: 0-100km/h in 5.3seconds

Amerika adalah salah satu korban dari film The Fast and The Furious, makin banyak anak muda di sono yg ngeramein scene illegal street racing dengan mobil2 modifan mereka. So pasti Amerika pun butuh armada kepolisian yg lebih gahar untuk nanganin para street racer ini. Jadinya, Amerika pun "mempersenjatai" para polisinya dengan Dodge Charger Turbocharged!

Spoiler for Dodge Charger:

Engine: EZB Hemi V8 5.7Litre Turbocharged
Top Speed: 280km/h
Acceleration: 0-100km/h in 4seconds

Lagi2 Inggris nongol dalam list ini. This time, polisi Inggris yg beruntung bisa dapet maenan baru buat nguber pembalap liar. Tanpa banyak cing-cong, ni maenan polisi Inggris yg paling baru: Caparo T1 RRV!

Spoiler for Caparo T1 RRV:

Engine: V8 NA 3.5Litre
Top Speed: 295km/h
Acceleration: 0-100km/h in 3.7seconds

Jerman yg terkenal dengan mobil2 seperti Mercedes-Benz, BMW, AUDI, Porsche, dan VW ga mo kalah ama negara tetangga mereka di Eropa. Makanya mereka ngasih polisi2 mereka dengan mobil yg ga kalah canggih dr negara laennya! Khusus buat polisi patroli autobahn (jalan tol), para polisi ini menggunakan Porsche 911 Turbo, sedangkan untuk polisi dalam kota-nya, para polisi itu cuma "kebagian" Audi TT!

Spoiler for Porsche 911 Turbo:

Engine: 3.2Litre 6 Cylinder Turbo
Top Speed: 242km/h
Acceleration: 0-100km/h in 5seconds

Spoiler for Audi TT:

Engine: 2.5Litre 5 Cylinder
Top Speed: 180km/h
Acceleration: 0-100km/h in 5.7seconds

USA (again!)
Lagi2 Amrik masuk ke dalam list ini. Kli ini polisi Amrik dapet senjata baru buat ngeladenin para street racer disono. Senjata baru itu bernama Chevrolet Corvette C6, yg tentu aja bakalan bikin para street racer Amrik buat mikir dua kali sebelum ngebabat lampu merah!

Spoiler for Chevrolet Corvette C6:

Engine: LS2 V8 6.0Litre
Top Speed: 280km/h
Acceleration: 0-100km/h in 4.3seconds

Sapa bilang negara yg terkenal dengan Maria Mercedes dan Marimar-nya ini ga punya mobil ajip buat polisinya?! Buktinya para polisi jalan tol disana cukup bergembira setelah dikasih Peugeot 307 Coupe sebagai kendaraan dinas mereka!

Spoiler for Peugeot 307 Coupe:

Engine: DW10 HDi Diesel L4 2.0Litre
Top Speed: 180km/h
Acceleration: 0-100km/h in 6seconds

Jepang emang lebih dikenal dengan Maria Ozawa-nya, tapi dinegara inilah awal mula nongolnya illegal street racing yg dikenal dunia sekarang (drifting jg dari sini lho asal mulanya). Makanya jangan heran klo lo2 maen ke Jepang trus ngeliat banyak Nissan Skyline atau Nissan 350Z berkeliaran di jalanan Jepang buat nguber para street racers dan drifters disana!

Spoiler for Nissan Skyline GTR R34:

Engine: RB26DETT L6 4.6Litre Bore&Stroke Turbocharged (Nismo Tuned)
Top Speed: 300km/h
Acceleration: 0-100km/h in 3.6seconds

Spoiler for Nissan 350Z:

Engine: VQ35HR 3.5Litre Turbocharged (Nismo Tuned)
Top Speed: 275km/h
Acceleration: 0-100km/h in 4.2seconds

UNITED KINGDOM (what? again?!)
Kyanya di Inggris polisinya deh yg suka balap liar! Why? Karena nampaknya, meskipun polisi mereka udah dikasih Lotus Esprit S4 dan Caparo T1 RRV (yg udah pasti lebih dari cukup buat ngeladenin street racer) mereka masih aja di kasih mobil baru buat para polisinya, yaitu Lotus Sport Exige!

Spoiler for Lotus Sport Exige:

Engine: Toyota Engine 4Litre DOHC VVTL-i (Supercharged & Intercooled)
Top Speed: 238km/h
Acceleration: 0-100km/h in 4.1seconds

USA (what? again?!)
Lagi2 Amrik masuk ke dalam list ini. Yup, masih menggunakan mobil produksi dalam negeri, kli ini mereka punya kendaraan baru yaitu Cadillac Escalade! Ga kebut sih, cuma tetep aja ga "normal" buat jadi mobil dinas polisi!

Spoiler for Cadillac Escalade:

Engine: Vortec V8 6.2Litre
Top Speed: 220km/h
Acceleration: 0-100km/h in 6.2seconds (Sori ga dapet pic yg lebih bagus)

JERMAN (again!)
Ga cukup dengan Porsche 911 Turbo dan Audi TT buat armada kepolisiannya, Jerman pun menambahkan unit kendaraan baru buat para polisinya, Mercedes-Benz CLS V12 (Brabus Tuned)! Asal lo tau, ni mobil dapet julukan "rocket car" bukan tanpa alesan yg ga jelas, liat aja spec-nya!

Spoiler for Mercedes-Benz CLS V12:

Engine: Twin-Turbo 6.3Litre 12 Cylinder (Brabus Tuned)
Top Speed: 350km/h
Acceleration: 0-100km/h in 4seconds

USA (Yup, another one!)
Kyanya Amrik deh yg menang di list ini, polisi Amrik udah punya Dodge Charger ama Chevrolet Corvette sbg mobil polisi utk kebut2an, dan Cadillac Escalade sbg mobil polisi yg agak mewahnya, tapi itu semua belum cukup buat polisi Amrik! Makanya pemerintah Amrik pun ngasih dana buat beli Hummer H2 buat jadi kendaraan dinas para sheriff disana! Lumayanlah buat gebok2in mobil penjahat kya di pilem2)

Spoiler for Hummer H2:

Engine: V8 6.2Litre
Top Speed: 160km/h
Acceleration: 0-100km/h in 6.2seconds

Sumber : Wordpress & gabungan2 lain

Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

Gambar2 luar angkasa - Teleskop Hubble

Sekilas Info tentang Teleskop Hubble:

Pada tahun 1962, Akademi Sains Nasional Amerika merekomendasikan untuk membangun sebuh teleskop angkasa raksasa. Tiga tahun kemudian, tepatnya pada tahun 1977, kongres mulai menugumpulkan dana untuk proyek tersebut. Pada tahun yang sama pula, pembuatan teleskop angkasa Hubble segera dimulai.

Konstruksi teleskop Hubble, berhasil diselesaikan pada tahun 1985. Hubble di'angkasakan' untuk pertamakalinya pada tanggal 25 April 1990. Padahal, Hubble direncanakan untuk mulai dioperasikan pada tahun 1986. Tetapi, pengoperasiannya ditunda sementara karena bencana Pesawat Angkasa Challenger. Beberapa tahun setelah dioperasikan, Hubble mengirim gambar yang buram dan tidak jelas. Pada akhirnya NASA menemukan bahwa lensa pada teleskop tersebut bergeser sebanyak 1/50 ketebalan rambut manusia! Pada bulan Desember 1993, Pesawat Ulang-Alik Endeavor, dikirim untuk memodifikasi Hubble dengan menambahkan kamera baru untuk memperbaiki kesalahan pada lensa primernya.

Spoiler for Space:

A Perfect Storm of Turbulent Gases in the Omega Swan Nebula

Spoiler for Space:

Red Supergiant Star V838 Monocerotis

Spoiler for Space:

The Cat’s Eye Nebula

Spoiler for Space:

Giant Twisters in the Lagoon Nebula

Spoiler for Space:

Gas Pillars in the Eagle Nebula

Spoiler for Space:

Orion Nebula

Spoiler for Space:


Spoiler for Space:

Orion Nebula

Spoiler for Space:

Cone Nebula Star-Forming Pillar of Gas and Dust

Spoiler for Space:

Supergiant Shell LMC-4 in the Large Magellanic Cloud

Spoiler for Space:

Ultraviolet Image of Multiple Comet Impacts on Jupiter

Spoiler for Space:

Star Cluster

Spoiler for Space:


Spoiler for Space:

The Colorful Demise of a Sun-like Star

Spoiler for Space:

Stellar “Eggs” Emerge from Molecular Cloud: Closeup of Evaporating Globules in M16

Spoiler for space:

stars bursting to life in the chaotic Carina Nebula

Spoiler for the stars:

Sumber : Kaskus

10 Jembatan yg menakjubkan

1.Banpo Bridge (South Korea): The Fountain Bridge
On September 9, 2008, the Banpo Bridge in Seoul (South Korea) got a major facelift: a 10,000-nozzle fountain that runs all the way on both sides. Immediately after being installed, the bridge turned into a major tourist attraction, as the bridge pumps out 190 tons of water per minute using the water from the river below.

Spoiler for banpo:

2.Millau Bridge (France): World's Tallest Vehicular Bridge
Towering 1,125-ft above the Tarn Valley in southern France, driving along the Millau Bridge is said to feel like flying. This Foster + Partners marvel is slightly taller than the Eiffel Tower, took three years to build and opened to the public in 2004. While it may provide picturesque views of the valley below, once the mist descends it is not a route for the faint hearted! The Millau Bridge has a total length of 8,071-ft with the longest single span at 1,122-ft and a maximum clearance below of 886-ft; in short the bridge is massively impressive both on paper and in real life. The deck is lofted on 7 pylons and weighs 36,000 tonnes. A series of 7 masts, each 292-ft tall and weighing 700 tonnes, are attached to the corresponding pylons.

Spoiler for milau:

3.Henderson Waves (Singapore): Most Beautiful Pedestrian Bridge
At a height of 36 metres or 12 storeys from the road, it is the highest pedestrian bridge in Singapore. The 300-metre bridge links up the parks at Mount Faber and Telok Blangah Hill.

Spoiler for henderson:

4.Hangzhou Bay Bridge (China): World's Longest Trans-Oceanic Bridge
Across the Hangzhou Bay extends the longest trans-oceanic bridge in the world, with 35,673 kilometres (22 mi) long with six expressway lanes in two directions. The bridge was built to address traffic congestion in the booming region, cutting the driving time between Shanghai and Ningbo from four to two-and-a-half hours.finally opened to the public on May 1, 2008. Total investment on the bridge was RMB 11.8 billion (around US$ 1.4 billion.)

Spoiler for hangzou:

5.Rolling Bridge (UK): The Bridge that Curls Up on Itself
Designed by Heatherwick Studio, the award-winning Rolling Bridge is located Paddington Basin, London. Rather than a conventional opening bridge mechanism, consisting of a single rigid element that lifts to let boats pass, the Rolling Bridge gets out of the way by curling up until its two ends touch. While in its horizontal position, the bridge is a normal, inconspicuous steel and timber footbridge; fully open, it forms a circle on one bank of the water that bears little resemblance to its former self.

Twelve metres long, the bridge is made in eight steel and timber sections, and is made to curl by hydraulic rams set into the handrail between each section.
Spoiler for rolling bridge:

6.Oliveira Bridge (Brazil): World's First X-shaped Cable Stayed Bridge with two crossed lanes
The Octavio Frias de Oliveira Bridge over the Pinheiros River in São Paulo, Brazil was opened in May 2008. It is 138 metres (450-ft) tall, and connects Marginal Pinheiros to Jornalista Roberto Marinho Avenue. Its design is unique in that the 2 curved decks of the bridge cross each other through its X-shaped supporting tower.

Spoiler for oliviera:

7.Wind and Rain Bridge (China): Dong people's bridge
The Wind and Rain Bridge is the symbolized architecture of the Dong minority people. The wind and rain bridge in Diping is the largest of its kind in Guizhou Province, where China's biggest Dong community lives. The bridge is over 50 meters long and it was first built in 1894 during the Qing Dynasty over 100 years ago. However, the original structure was destroyed in a big fire in 1959 and the one visitors see today was a recreation finished in 1964.

Spoiler for wind and rain:

8.Tower Bridge (UK): Most Famous and Beautiful Victorian Bridge
Completed in 1894 and designed by Horace Jones and Wolfe Barry, Tower Bridge (so named after the two, striking, 141-ft high towers and the Tower of London close to it) is one of the most famous landmarks in London and one of the most beautiful in the world. The 800-ft long bridge has a 28-ft clearance when closed but raises in the centre to a maximum clearance of 140-ft that allows ships to pass down the Thames. Back in the days when goods were moved by sea instead of air the bridge was raised around 50 times daily. Tower Bridge took 432 workers 8 years to build. During that time they sank 70,000 tonnes of concrete into 2 huge piers, lowered 2 counterbalanced bascules into place each weighing 1,000 tonnes and then clad the whole bridge in Portland stone and Cornish granite to disguise the 11,000 tonnes of steel beneath.

Spoiler for tower:

9.Magdeburg Water Bridge (Germany): Europe's Largest Water Bridge
The Magdeburg Water Bridge connects the former East and West Germany over the Elbe River, and it was made as part of the unification project. 1 km long, the 500 million euros water bridge enables river barges to avoid a lengthy and sometimes unreliable passage along the Elbe.

Spoiler for magdeburg:

10.Ponte Vecchio (Italy): Oldest and Most Famous of its kind

The Ponte Vecchio in Florence is one of the most famous tourist spots in Italy, and is thought to be the oldest wholly-stone built, segmental arch bridge in Europe, although there are many partial segments which date further back. It was originally built of wood until destroyed by floods in 1333, and twelve years later it was rebuilt using stone. Famous for its lining of shops, the bridge has housed everybody from Medieval merchants and butchers to souvenir stalls and art dealers.

Spoiler for ponte:
Sumber : kaskus