simbol suku maya

kalender maya

alphabhet maya

matematika suku maya
Suku Maya adalah kelompok suku yang tinggal di semenanjung Yucatan, Amerika Tengah yang berbatasan dengan Samudera Pasifik di sebelah barat, dan Laut Karibia di sebelah timur.
Suku yang pada zaman batu mencapai kejayaan di bidang teknologinya (250 M hingga 925 M), menghasilkan bentuk karya dan peradaban unik seperti bangunan (Chichen Itza), pertanian (kanal drainase), tanaman jagung dan latex, sumurnya yang disebut "cenotes".
Cara mereka berkomunikasi dan mendokumentasikan tulisan: Tulisannya menggunakan gambar dan simbol, yang disebut "glyph". Ada dua macam glyph: yakni yang menampilkan gambar utuh dari benda yang dimaksudkan, dan tipe yang menggambarkan sesuatu sesuai dengan suku katanya.

Geographical extent:
The geographic extent of the Maya civilization, known as the Maya area, extended throughout the southern Mexican states of Chiapas, Tabasco, and the Yucatán Peninsula states of Quintana Roo, Campeche and Yucatán. The Maya area also extended throughout the northern Central American region, including the present-day nations of Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador and western Honduras.
As the largest sub-region in Mesoamerica, it encompassed a vast and varied landscape, from the mountainous regions of the Sierra Madre to the semi-arid plains of northern Yucatán. Climate in the Maya region can vary tremendously, as the low-lying areas are particularly susceptible to the hurricanes and tropical storms that frequent the Caribbean.
The Maya area is generally divided into three loosely defined zones: the southern Maya highlands, the southern (or central) Maya lowlands, and the northern Maya lowlands. The southern Maya highlands include all of elevated terrain in Guatemala and the Chiapas highlands. The southern lowlands lie just north of the highlands, and incorporate the Mexican states of Campeche and Quintana Roo and northern Guatemala, Belize and El Salvador. The northern lowlands cover the remainder of the Yucatán Peninsula, including the Puuc hills.
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